dijous, 12 de febrer del 2015

A bit of everything

If it's the first time you enter in this blog , feel welcome! There are some new entries in the following subpages:

-eTwinning: we have sent some videos to our Greek friends and, this week, a school from Glasgow has joined us as well!
 Resultat d'imatges de song karaoke
  - Families' collaboration: not one but three different parents came these last weeks to share some experiences and knowledge with us. They were all very good!  You need to see that!

Resultat d'imatges de family school children

6th: This course,the oldest ones from school need to work harder than usual as they have Competènces exams coming soon.

Resultat d'imatges de prova competències bàsiques

. 1st: You'll find some links with three of the rutine songs children sing in class. Listen to them, enjoy and practise!

Resultat d'imatges de weather children

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