Hello again!
As we said in our last entry, we have already prepared the songs to send to the Greek school.
Have a look!
5èA anglès
5èB català
6èA català
6èB anglès
Hello children!
It's time to prepare another activity to send to Greece! This time, we are going to record a video of ourselves singing a song for them in English. Do you already know which one are we going to sing? Do you want to have a guess?
And... it would be very nice to sing one in our native language as well, wouldn't it?
You can start thinking of one!

Hello after Christmas!
Just before the Christmas holiday we received a big green box from very far away... It was our present from Greece! Our twins had sent us many little presents! Here we share some photos with you. We got amazing Christmas postcards and we were so happy...
Hello everyone!
Here I attach you the news we recieved for you to translate them and know exactly what we are going to recieve in a week. We are looking forward to hearing from them!! They have already sent it from Geece today!!
The text from the Greek teacher says:
Hey! we recieved your cards today! thank you so much, they are great, our students were so happy!
We have already prepared our cards for you, my students decided to write wishes in the Greek language and I just agreed because we have uuploaded in the twinspace our costums. If you see the document tell me what your students think about it.
Some of the students made small Chrsitmas decorations made with od tiny rubber circles!
They also created a document where they explain us their traditions in Greece and the reasons for their celebrations. Here you have the link to watch it. Do you like it? Feel free to give your opinion! You just need to click at the link and press the word "expand" which appears in the middle of the screen.
(Per visualitzar el treball només has de clicar al link i tot seguit a la paraula "expand" que apareix al mig de la imatge).
Christmas gift from our twins
Hello there! It has been a long time since we explained what the eTwinning was going to be about. We have been sending e-mails to our e-twinns regarding many topics! We told them about the beginning of the course, about La Castanyada, Halloween... and now, we have made a Chirstmas postcard for them! Here you have some photos!

Last course we started an eTwinning Project with a Greek school. We introduced to a group of students of 10 years old and we told them about our town, our school and the main Catalan traditions.
This course we are going to continue with the same school but our project will grow bigger! We will send an activity per month and course!
And... we are about to start a project with England very soon!
3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th course will start with a welcome group e-mail to introduce themselves as well as their school and town.

Every course will talk about a traditional festivity in our country and we will recieve some explanations and photos about Greek important days.

We will record a video of ourselves singing a song and we will send it to our twins in Greece. They will do the same to us!
Beautiful cards!!! Congratulations!