diumenge, 14 de desembre del 2014

Santa's Pants Theatre

Santa's Pants Theatre

Last Wednesday a Theatre Company came to school and the students of 1st, 2nd and 3rd course had the pleasure to watch Santa’s Pants, a Christmas play.

The performance was about Santa Claus who lived happily married with Ms. Santa. Some days before Christmas some problems came up: his old trousers were broken, his wife needed some ingredients for the Christmas pudding and he also wanted to buy some presents. That’s why he went to town for some shopping. When he came back home he saw that the trousers he had bought were 3 fingers too long. Firstly, no one could help him to shorten them, so he did it himself, but later Ms. Santa did it, Rudolph did it and the elf also did it by surprise.
Finally, Santa ended up wearing shorts instead of long trousers.

The children had a good time, they learned and participated actively during all the show. They also interacted with the actors and some of them even became part of the show!

Click at the link below to see some photos (Clica a l'enllaç de sota per veure'n algunes fotos)
Santa's Pants photos 

Click at the link below to see Santa's Pants trailer (Clica l'enllaç de sota per visualitzar el trailer)
Santa's Pants trailer

dimarts, 9 de desembre del 2014

Christmas is here!

Hello everybody!

Have you found out the names of the Christmas songs?

We have added some new information about our eTwinning with Greece. Please go to the eTwinning section and check it out. You are going to have a nice time watching it! Our twins have already recieved our Christmas present and... we are about to recieve theirs!

divendres, 28 de novembre del 2014


Christmas is coming and we are preparing some songs for the Festival... We are looking forward to show you our work. However, we want the songs to be a surprise for our parents and we won't reveal its titles.
However, here you have some clues to try to find them out. Have fun!

One of them talks about a reindeer with a very special characteristic.
Another takes place in a very big and deep jungle.
The next one tells us about a very special person who lives to satisfy children by doing a very curious job.
It gives us some advice on how to face hard situations in life. It's about a sweet and nice nanny who took life with optimism.
The next wants to remind you about his/her friendship by singing a song.
To finish, no matter how long or how far you go, our dear students: you  will always be in our hearts!

Have fun and enjoy!