And... as you will have a lot of free time... here you have some homework not to get bored. Take it easy!
- Competències 3 (The two readings)
- Writing on a homemade recipe (typed on your computer (or with a very neat handwriting) and with drawing/photo)
- Video on your homemade recipe (optional)
And now... a bit of cooking! While you prepare your fantastic recipies, here you will find a motivating video to start woking your recipie out!
Here you have a video of a genious cook, Jaimie Oliver! Enjoy!
Jamie Oliver cooking session

School English activities
We do some extra activities in the English class and we would like to tell you a bit about them. Soon you will have some links to see our students explaining them clearly and... most of them in English! They are clear and fluent when speaking! Congratulations 6th!
Would you like a hamburger?
Here you have attached the video we have watched in class this week. It is basically to realize how important pronounciation is when learning a language. Work hard and you will get your objective!
I would like to buy a hamburger video

Hello there!
Competències bàsiques are coming and you need to be ready to do them successfully! Here you have some links to start doing some tests to practise.

Competències bàsiques anglès 1 (13-14)
Competències bàsiques anglès 2 (12-13)
Competències bàsiques anglès 3 (11-12)
Competències bàsiques anglès 4 (10-11)
Competències bàsiques anglès 5 (9-10)
Hello to everyone! We have been working on a Theatre play this time. Here you will find some examples of how some students have worked really hard to get this job done. Enjoy it! Do you like it? Feel free to coment and give your opinion!

6thA group1 The honey pot
Hi again! We've worked hard on poetry! You can find most of the videos we've recorded below. However, there are some missing yet. Do you like them? Have fun!
Hello there! This afternoon we did some poetry! Here you have quite a funny example. Enjoy it! (Click to VIDEO 1 to watch the video)
6thA video1
6thA video2
6thA video 3
6thB video2
6thB video3
6thB video4
6thB video5
6thB video6
6thA video4
6thA video5
6thA video6
6thA video7
6thA video 8
6thA video9
Hello and welcome to our blog! Here you can find the first songs we will do in class during this course. Feel free to start listening to them! (click to the link of the song to listen and watch the video).
Anytime you need a friend song

Count on me song
M'encantan les dus cançons <3 i el BLOG TAMBÉ
ResponEliminaEXCELLENT PERFORMANCE! The Oscar goes to Adolfo i Marc. Congratulations! A big Kiss!
ResponEliminaAnna i really enjoyed this blog and the songs also!!!
ResponEliminaL'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.
ResponEliminahello anna
ResponEliminahello Anna soc la Clara de 6e B m'agrada molt el blog.